WAEC English Language Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (100% Legit) Essay and Objectives Solution
The WAEC English Questions and Answers 2023 are now available. With these WAEC English questions, students can prepare for their exams with confidence. The WAEC English Language answers cover objective, theory, and test of oral questions for free. Students can find the answers to these questions online, including WAEC English Language expo. With the help of these expos, students can gain a better understanding of the topics and can practice their skills to get the best score in the exam. The WAEC English Language exam will help students to gain confidence and improve their English skills. The West African Examinations Council is an examination board established by law to determine the examinations required in the public interest in the English-speaking West African countries, to conduct the examinations and to award certificates comparable to those of equivalent examining authorities internationally
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WAEC English Language Questions and Answers 2023 (Expo)
In case you are a candidate for the English Language WAEC exam in 2023, then you need to read this article carefully. Joberplanet will be offering you a free expo on the English Language WAEC exam in 2023. You simply need to keep refreshing this page to get the free expo. You should not leave this page as you will be able to find the answers soon.
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(5) Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown:
This saying explains the fact that it is difficult to be a leader and even more difficult to be at the helm of affairs. When one sees himself in a position of authority, a lot is expected from that person. The individual faces a lot of ups and downs. If he is a good leader, many will admire him and many will also hate him. No matter the level of your good governance you must have oppositions and criticism even from your own people.
A true story of this adage can be seen from the life of Moses whom God appointed to lead the people of Israel when they were suffering in the land of Egypt. After they might have cried for many years, he decided to deliver them from the hands of the Egyptians, to send them to the promised land. (the land flowing with milk and honey). To accomplish this. God called Moses and gave him the crown of leadership to lead the people of Israel out of the land of affliction.
When he started his leadership career. he was finding things very difficult, as he had several encounters, problems and challenges with God, with Pharoah, the Egyptian, the Isrealites and even with his household. As the mantle of leadership rested on Moses, he started acting according to God’s instruction. In the process he discovered that to be a leader entails a lot of responsibilities. In the first instance, the people refused to believe and hearken to him. He was accused of usurping powers, hence the question “who made you a king and a ruler over us?” From that moment he realized the fact that uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.
Although Moses was made a god over Pharaoh his leadership tenure wasn’t a bed of roses. When they were finally allowed to leave Egypt, they made their journey in the wilderness and they encountered a lot of problems. They were worried and resorted to blaming and insulting Moses. Their disgusting murmuring increased day-in-day-out against Moses and his God, despite the glory of the Lord that accompanied them. Notwithstanding, they hearkened not unto Moses. They complained when they were hungry. They murmured against Moses and he cried to God and they were given manna. When they were thirsty they complained bitterly against Moses. Again Moses cried to God they were given water.
Many a time the people murmured against Moses saying, “take us back to Egypt. You have brought us out of Egypt to kill us and our children”. As they were about to stone him, he cried unto the Lord. Moses as a leader was bearing the burden of leadership alone and it was not easy on him at all.
The behaviour of the Isrealites in the wilderness aggrieved Moses especially when they started worshiping false gods. Out of annoyance, he broke the table containing the commandments of God. As a result of that, the wrath of God came upon him. This particular offence/encounter denied Moses the opportunity of entering the promised land. He later paid with his dear life.
From this story, one can see actually that it is not easy to be a leader, hence the popular saying “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown”
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After revisiting WAEC English language questions and answers 2023, it is clear that a thorough understanding of the English language is essential for success. To ensure success in the subject, candidates would need to be updated on the rules and regulations set by WAEC, as well as on current trends in the media that may be helpful in answering questions. This can help them stay ahead of their peers when tackling paper one of the WAEC Exam.
source https://donprosper.com/correct-waec-english-language-questions-and-answers